RWBY Volume 6 Episode 7 - The Grimm Reaper: Review
Back at the vault beneath Haven Academy, Cinder tells Neo why they have to get the relic before it is secured in Atlas. It’s the only way to accomplish their goal: revenge against Ruby. Cinder has been instructed by Salem to not kill Ruby, but Neo hasn’t. So this is why Cinder teamed up with Neo. We move on to a moment from Maria’s past where she takes on a Nevermore which features some really great action. After downing the Nevermore, she is forced to use her silver eyes to vanquish the creature. Unfortunately, this attracts some unwanted attention - bounty hunters… Their leader is a crocodile Faunus named Tock, a reference to the crocodile that ate Captain Hook in Peter Pan. Tock knows exactly who Maria is - The Grimm Reaper. Maria fights off the other three bounty hunters, but she is not able to deal any damage to Tock, due to Tock’s clock, which grants her 60 seconds of invincibility.
After Tock breaks Maria’s weapon, she headbutts Maria in the chin sender her flying and breaking her mask. As Maria falls to the ground, Tock slashes her across her eyes, permanently blinding Maria. Tock walks towards Maria, as she yells out in pain and blindly shoots at Tock. Tock tells Maria that the reason her boss wants Maria dead is because of silver eyes. Maria throws her scythe at Tock, but it misses. Maria then feels around for her other scythe and pushes the button that activates her weapon’s magnetic capabilities. The other scythe is attracted towards Tock’s back as Maria swings the other scythe, killing Tock.
She was telling everyone the story of how she lost her sight. She tells everyone that she went into hiding after that day. Qrow can’t believe that Maria is The Grimm Reaper (needs more cowbell…). Qrow tells Maria that he based his weapon off of her’s. So since Ruby based Crescent Rose off of Qrow’s weapon, therefore Crescent Rose was inspired by Maria’s weapon.
Qrow tells Maria that he wanted to be as good as her. Maria replies “Well, I’m nothing but a disappointment. So you’re well on your way.” Blake responds “How can you say that?” Maria tells Blake “A huntress is supposed to protect others to the bitter end. But after I lost my eyes, I only ever looked after myself. Even after my surgery I was too afraid to fight, afraid that someone would find me again, finish what the others started.” She tells everyone that they shouldn’t aspire to be like her since they are already stronger than her. Maria is comforted by the fact the Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang are up to the task of taking on the problems of the world. Maria does admit that she wishes she could have done more to leave the world in better shape. Ruby tells her “Well maybe you can do something now, teach me to use my powers the way you did.” Hopefully, Maria will act as a mentor to Ruby like Yoda did with Luke Skywalker in Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back.
Ruby’s scroll then starts to ring. It’s Jaune!!!! They must be getting close to Argus!!! Yang stomps on the brakes; Weiss doesn’t understand how Ruby is even able to receive a phone call. Jaune tells Ruby that he has been checking his scroll for her signal since he made it to the city. Ruby starts moving her phone around as the signal increases in strength. They must be close to Argus!! As Yang drives up to the top of a hill, they finally see their destination: Argus. Yang says “Ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived in Argus.”
The design of Argus is heavily influenced by San Francisco, from the Victorian style architecture, the hilly streets, and of course Cable Cars. It even looks like the bridge off in the distance is inspired by the iconic Golden Gate Bridge. Jaune and Ren gives everyone a lesson about Argus’ history as they see the sights aboard the cable car. As soon as the reach their stop, Blake suggests that they start looking for a ship. Oh my god, look how close Blake and Yang’s hand are!! Oscar asks Jaune, Ren, and Nora where they are staying. As Jaune is about to answer that question, a woman holding a baby across the street says “There you are!” Yang asks Jaune if that’s his sister. Just as Jaune is about to say her name, Ruby darts in with some cartoonish antics and with a bright eyed-OMG look on her face.
Ruby is really excited to meet Jaune’s sister, Saphron. Yang plays with the baby’s toy airship as Weiss watches on. Ruby says that she has so many questions. Nora replies that she will give Ruby the rundown later. Jaune tells them to knock it off, he’s clearly embarrassed. Saphron says the she loves telling stories about her baby brother, as she pinches Jaune’s cheek. Jaune wildly flails his arms and proclaims “I am not a baby! That is a baby!” as he points at Adrian. Some more cartoonish antics are seen here with Yang and Weiss as they are infatuated with Adrian and start awwing and say how cute he is. This is clearly shown by the looks on Yang and Weiss’ faces. Blake asks Saphron if she is the only member of her family living here. She tells Blake that she and Jaune are the only ones living away from home. She says “I guess he just wanted to be like his big sis.” Jaune tries to deny this, but Saphron then taunts him and they start fighting like only a brother and sister would.
Big moment here: Saphron has a wife, Terra Cotta. Props to to writers for including a lesbian couple in the series! Weiss asks Saphron and Terra if it’s alright for them to stay with them. Saphron and Terra tell them that they are happy to house huntsmen and huntresses, it’s the least they can do for keeping people like them safe. Terra asks Qrow if it’s even legal for Qrow to have students helping him. He tells her to think of this as an extended training mission and that they are way better than he was when he was their age. Qrow keeps going on, but is interrupted by Ruby as she says “Shut up there’s food!” Everyone is happily eating their sandwiches. Terra receives a call from her job. Blake asks if everything is alright. Saphron tells Blake that Terra is a technician for the town’s relay tower. This is also where the military’s radar system is also housed there. Apparently, the radar system has been on the fritz and Terra is getting blamed for it. Saphron asks Ruby what their plan is, Ruby tells her that they will start at the military base. Jaune tells Ruby that he, Ren, and Nora already tried that and it didn’t go to well. Yang replies “Come on, it couldn’t be that bad.” Fast forward to the next day, Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang are outside the Atlas military base, where the gate is slammed shut on them. Great… What will the girls do now?
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