RWBY Volume 6 Episode 2 - Uncovered: Review

Episode two starts out with a big confirmation regarding the fate of a certain character: Cinder IS NOT DEAD! My intuition was right regarding the mystery figure from the poster! I like the use of the flashback to when the gang is packing up and Qrow is explaining why Ozpin said to take the relic of knowledge to Atlas, specifically Argus, since Atlas closed its borders. The flashback gives us better context and reasoning why they are going there in the first place. Of course the only one who is not happy is Weiss.

They have to go to Argus, the primary trading port between Anima and Solitas, because it is also where the Atlas military has their largest base outside of the kingdom’s borders.

More of the cute antics are seen when Blake quickly dashes over to Qrow’s side and she says “I mean we do have the missing heiress to the Schnee Dust Company.” Blake’s dry wit is also present here when she says the aforementioned line. We now do have clarification the relic can change size, which was causing some confusion among the fanbase. Also, some of Yang’s humor is present here when she jokes about turning in Weiss for reward money if they have the chance. More of Nora’s silly and hyper antics are present when she starts darting around the room talking about what questions to ask the lamp. 
We now know the true identity of of “Maz”, Maria Calavera. The high tech glasses help her see, when they are  fully functioning. It is becoming more evident that Blake, Yang, Weiss, Ruby, and Oscar are not happy with Ozpin’s lies and half-truths. This is despite the fact that Ozpin told everyone while they were packing up that he wouldn’t tell any more lies and half-truths.
Weiss, Blake, and Yang have become fed up with Ozpin’s half-truths, specifically with him not telling them about the fact that the relics attract grimm like moths to a flame. Ozpin’s reasoning for not making the team aware of this was that he didn’t want to add more anxiety and negativity. He believed it was the safer option. Yang and Weiss are becoming more fed up with Ozpin’s lies. Yang tells Ozpin that they won’t turn their backs on him and that he can trust them.
A lot of tension is building between team RWBY and Oscar towards Ozpin. Conflict is building over how much of the truth is being told. Ozpin’s tells that team that his past experiences are behind his behaviors and reasons for the things he does and the secrets he keeps. It’s becoming more evident that Ozpin is hiding vital information and team RWBY are growing tired of not being told the whole truth. Their trust in Ozpin is definitely waning; Ruby is even questioning her trust in Ozpin. There a conflict occurring between Oscar and Ozpin when Ozpin is trying to stop Ruby from finding out what Ozpin is hiding.
This is where that scene from the trailer comes in! We now know that Oscar is fighting Ozpin to stop Ozpin from stopping Ruby from finding out the truth! Oscar even reveals the name of the genie in the lamp, Jinn. Jinn’s character design is heavily influenced by Genie from Aladdin. I had the same look on my face just like Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang when Jin is summoned.
When Jin reveals that she can still answer two questions, everyone turns and look at Ozpin with shocked looks on their faces. This was probably the last straw for Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang.
Weiss, Blake, and Yang have had it with Ozpin’s lies and half-truths, which is shown when the three take up fighting stances and ready their weapons when Qrow attempts to talk to them. Ruby appears to be unsure of what to do. Qrow then tells her to do what she thinks is right
The scene where Ozpin yells “No!” was his response to Ruby when she asks Jinn to tell them what Ozpin is hiding.
Trust is a two-way street. You can’t ask others to trust you when you don’t trust them. Ozpin is hurting himself in this scene by instilling doubt into everyone. Every truth that he withholds, every time that he’s caught lying, every time he says that it’s better for no one to know, he further erodes team RWBY’s trust in him. The moment that the truth is revealed, team RWBY’s trust in Ozpin is further shattered. They may have been able to forgive Ozpin once and twice and the third time, but by the third time they are angry and they make Ozpin promise to not tell half-truths or lie to them. Ozpin is once again caught withholding the truth and lying to the team, yet he still asks the girls to trust him. This is not how trust works. There’s a line from the song Complete Control by The Clash that I feel perfectly illustrates what is going with Team RWBY’s trust in Ozpin: “I don’t trust you, so why should you trust me?” In other words, why should Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang trust Ozpin if he doesn’t trust them? At this point, it’s hard to say whether or not team RWBY will ever trust Ozpin again. 
The white void the team is transported to reminds me of the Sea of Nothing, also known as Knowhere Land, from The Beatles film, Yellow Submarine. The tower that appears when Jinn begins her story looks like Beacon Academy. There is some influence and reference to The Wizard of Oz with the brick road that leads to the tower. I was absolutely shocked when Jin reveals the identity of the blonde woman from the intro as Salem. As Doc Brown from Back to the Future says, “Great Scott!!”

This was one hell of episode, which made great use of the tension that arose between the girls and Ozpin. The real bombshell highlight was the reveal of Salem as the blonde woman from the trailer. This also means that the statue of the man with the cane/walking stick is Ozpin. This implies that there was some type of bond or relationship between the two. At this point it could be a father-daughter relationship or a relationship as lovers. We will definitely learn more in episode three. Hold onto your butts!


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